Got so many clothes that your drawers are overflowing? A fitted wardrobe could be the ideal solution for you to incorporate within your overall bedroom design.
Have a look through our guide and discover the benefits of fitted wardrobes and why they could be an ideal solution for you.
Fitted wardrobes are essentially storage spaces which are built into your bedroom. Fitted wardrobes are custom-made to fit the shape of the room they are built in. They utilise the entire length of the room and don’t leave any spare space under neath or next to the wardrobe like a freestanding one might do.
One of the biggest benefits of fitted wardrobes is the utilisation of space in your room. Freestanding wardrobes can often end up with junk piled up in the space between them and the wall, not to mention the amount of dust that is collected in the open gaps. Fitted wardrobes do not have this problem, as they are tailored to fit the full height of the room. Another good benefit of fitted wardrobes in this regard is that they are adaptable to fit even the most awkward of shapes. This means that regardless of the shape of your room, you should be able to get a fitted wardrobe installed.
Of course, one drawback of fitted wardrobes is that they aren’t transportable, so you won’t be able to take one with you if you were to move to a new house. However, this can actually be beneficial, as additional storage spaces can help to increase the value of your home. Storage space is often sought after, especially in smaller homes – so this can make your house more appealing on the market.
Fitted wardrobes are available for a range of budgets. Depending on what size and shape you are going for, there should be something available to fit your budget range. You can also use a variety of materials to create your fitted wardrobe, so you are able to match your wardrobe to the aesthetic of the room.
It’s a good idea to prepare or decorate the room you’ll be fitting your new wardrobe into before starting with the fitting. This is because you won’t be able to paint behind the wardrobe once it is fitted, so you might want to go over the entire area before it is installed.
Whilst the installation is taking place, it can be ideal to remove all furniture from the room as you prepare the area where the wardrobe will be fitted. You might also need to roll back the carpet in the space where the wardrobe will be situated, so this is something that needs to be considered.
Before you begin with the installation, you’ll need to take some measurements of the area. You’ll need to measure the distance between the floor and the ceiling, and it’s worth doing this at both ends of the room as well as in the middle as this will establish whether the new wardrobe will need to accommodate for a dented or sagging ceiling.
You’ll also need to ensure that the floor is level. It’s always a better idea to fit the wardrobe on top of a hard surface instead of carpet to avoid the fixture dropping over time. It’s sometimes the case that the floor is dented or on a slant, and this is something that will need to be taken into consideration when determining the dimensions required for the wardrobe. Thankfully, bespoke fitted wardrobes can be flexible with how they are designed and can be tailor made to fit the most awkward spaces.
As well as the functionality of your fitted wardrobe being a necessity, you’ll also want the design aesthetics to fit in with your room. One major consideration is the type of doors you want to go on your wardrobe. Sliding doors and bi-fold doors are common options, as these don’t require as much room. It’s also popular for people to choose mirrored doors for their wardrobe, as this can help to make use of less room.
You ideally want the inside of your wardrobe to be aesthetically pleasing whilst being the best design to suit your needs. If you are someone who wears a lot of shirts and suits, you’ll want a large hanging rail, however, if you are a shoe collector, you’ll likely want more room to display the variety of footwear you own. There are a number of different design options for the interior of your wardrobe, and it’s worth considering what type of design might benefit your collection of clothing.